Wednesday 28 December 2011

One hot Christmas!

We kept up our Christmas eve tradition by taking a sunset walk along Whitfords Beach, it was around 2km long but felt like more 4km as sand is like walking in mud! Spectacular scenery and a stunning sunset which we marked by singing a girl guide sunset song 'Day is done' and 'Santa Claus is coming to town'. After our walk we stopped at Lisa's friends Sharon and Paul to toast Christmas on the front lawn and look at their amazing house decorations, their street reminded us of a street out of the soap 'Neighbours'. Next we all came home, pj's on and snuggled up to watch Star Wars - A New Hope. This was Asia, Lauren, Mia and Ethans debut watch and all thoroughly enjoyed...smaller ones falling asleep halfway through!

Christmas morning was full of the usual excitement to see what Santa had brought. Mark was very happy with a ticket to the cricket test match Aus v India (thanks Martin) and Hayley and the girls got tickets to see Mary Poppins the stage show in Perth (thanks Nanny & Grandad). So the rest of the day was swimming in the pool, drinking black velvets, eating, sun bathing, eating, building a trampoline, eating, watching Harry Potter 7 pt 2.

Boxing day we were joined by friends and family for much of the same... plus lots of water fights and games and much laughter...
We hope you all had a fun filled christmas... love the Roberts x x x

Monday 26 December 2011

Youth work and Islam

When I was at the YMCA George Williams College I worked with some friends on a study into how Islam can inform youth work practice, this has subsequently been published in a book called 'Youth Work and Isalm - a leap of faith for young people'. This book will be useful and hopefully enlightening for anyone working with and for young people. Please find the link below, you can also buy the book on Amazon.


Friday 23 December 2011


We've just been on holiday for two weeks camping around WA which has been an amazing experence. The last camp site we went to we were 51 steps from the beach! We swam in the sea, saw sting rays and fish... so cool. One day me, Lauren and Dad were swimming in the sea having lots of fun, and suddenly i saw a fin just by the bouy we were nere! Then i saw it again.... then there where 2! I shouted to dad "DOLPHINS DOLPHIN DOLPHINS" i was so amazed.  The 2 dophins were a mummy and a baby! It was sooooo exiting. I have never seen a dolphin for real in my life! Its been my dream since i was tiny!!!! it was like we were swimming with them. We ran up the beach, well in other words sprinted up the beach following them for as long as we could then  they went back out to sea. I still could not beleve i saw dolphins, it was awsome, proberly the best day camping. It just proves dreams do come true!!!!!! bye for now yassie xxx

Friday 2 December 2011

Road trip...

2nd - 20th December 2011

We will be heading off into Western Australia on a camping trip.... destinations for the 'google earth' club:

Lake Grace

There will probably be no internet for this time so look out for some photos at Christmas!

Love The Roberts X

Sunday 27 November 2011

I love being an Aunty….

 We have been in Perth for two weeks and I have been in ‘Aunty heaven’ doing the Aunty things I have done with my UK nieces and nephews and close friends children. I have helped with homework, listened to Ethan’s reading and helping with his tricky words, invited to see Mia’s cello lesson, made cakes and crumbles with Lauren, listening to scale practice from both the girls and plaited their hair many times, sewing dolls and watching Mia’s horse riding lesson. I also had some fantastic mornings in school, attending an assembly and being invited to Lauren and Ethan’s class to help the teacher – I loved it!

A few years ago I learnt from my friend Genty that an ‘Aunt’ is a special role in a persons’ life and you can be an Aunt to far more children than just your blood family. I have pondered on this – for me an Aunty is not just a role as the mothers or fathers’ sibling but a responsibility to show interest, care and love to the child and a willingness to learn from them.

So to all my blood, spiritual and extended family nieces and nephews I thank you for letting me in your lives. UK crew, I miss you so much but I am so happy to have this special time with you Lauren, Mia and Ethan. Love Aunty Hayley x

PS. And thanks to those who are ‘aunties’ to mine… you are an inspiration to me x

Friday 18 November 2011

The Indian Pacific Railway - Sydney to Perth

As the train meandered through the Blue Mountains the vast landscape shimmering, radiant and brought alive by the rays of sunshine touching and mingling among the tree canopies giving off the famed blue haze. Along the mountain passage I imagine peoples lives on top of this beautiful yet forbidding place, I love being in the mountains but have no longing to live here, perhaps it is too far from the hustle of suburban living that I am used too, perhaps it is the memory of the village life as a teenager and the frustration of being in between towns.

This is simply the longest train, stopping at the longest platform (Broken Hill), on the longest journey (65hrs) I have, and probably, will ever take. This experience had a dizzying effect, after 24hrs we arrived in Adelaide I stood in the waiting area swaying slightly. This was not from any particular beer, at $7 a beer I drank mainly tap water (the tap was next to the toilet and shower that made me wonder), but from the motion of life on board the train (It was like standing on a pontoon at Queen Mary's sailing club). The other queer affect of this was that I saw the lever in the carriage to make an emergency stop….I have seen it pulled in the movies… what if I just?…. I think it was similar to an urge my sister Sara Jane has to open the emergency exit door when she flies! Apart from that I was fine!

The train announcer reminded me of the 80’s TV comedy ‘Heidi Hi’, the xylophonic tune introduced her joyful (but not always appreciated) announcements and sometimes a bit of local history thrown in… ‘prior to arriving in Adelaide we will be serving lunch in Matilda Café, the café will be closed 30 minutes prior to our arrival at Adelaide’ (KJ did a great  impersonation by holding her nose). Just to ammuse myself I got the lady to announce Hayleys' birthday. 'We would like to wish Hayley in Red Service (the cheap seats) a happy birthday, Hayley if you visit the Matilda Cafe you will get a complimentary muffin'.

We met more strange and wonderful people on our journey. We sat and had a brief encounter with a man from Alaska who spent his younger years doing professional Rodeo, because of the distances involved in travelling around Canada he took up flying small aircraft to get to the Rodeo. He was on his way to help a friend in the North of Australia (he flies the float planes). We also stopped at some strange and wonderful places. Cook is a settlement on the Nullarbor Plain its inhabited by 4 people and a million flies, I met two of the people who ran the tourist shop and a million flies…the girls lasted about two minutes before running back to the train.

There is something beautiful about Australia, we ate our evening meals whilst the sunset on this vast and boundless landscape considering these new experiences travelling across a continent.

KJ 'I spy something beginning with T'
Yas 'Tree'
Yas 'I spy something beginning with T'
Asia 'Tree'
Asia 'I spy something beginning with T'
Dad 'Tree'

Monday 14 November 2011

Happy Birthday Sister and Aunty!

Hi Sara Jane,

We are all missing you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks... have a fun birthday!

Love Mark, Hayley, Lisa, Martin, Lauren, Mia, Ethan, K-J, Yas and Asia XXX

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Adios Buenos Aires…G’day Sydney…

Saying goodbye to the Marchants’ and the Vassallis’ was hard. We had such a good time with both families and were privileged to be part of their lives for a few weeks. Was a great encouragement to see the Marchants’ into their new home and by their faith for life in Buenos Aires… we will miss them as we journey on.

The flight to Sydney was spectacular. We flew over the Andes with brilliant views of the mountain range. The peaks and troughs looked like baked Alaska pudding. After a small detour due to a volcano eruption in Chile we flew over the South Pole. Again the pilot alerted us to the views. WOW was all we could say as we clamoured with other passengers to take photos and get every view we could. We flew with the sun all the way and what with the long flight and the time change we were very confused when we arrived in Sydney having lost a day!!!

We are staying with Joy & Phillip Doughty who have been so welcoming and generous to us as we do our whistle stop tour of Sydney. Joy is (for those of you who know the family) Sue Newbury & Pete & David Bignals sister. They have four kids Keziah (20), Joseph (18), Samuel (16) and Micah (13). The Doughtys’ home educate all their children and therefore we have been able to share experiences with them. We have also learnt about Sydney, politics and Judaism from Philip, who also built the house we are staying in (respect!). This meeting of families is one of the things that we wanted our travelling to be about and we feel richer for the experience.

So far we have had a day in the Blue Mountains…stunning views and our first taste of ‘the bush’. Joy and I were very excited to glimpse a Lyre bird. Our first view of Sydney city and harbour was from the river. We took a ferry from Paramatta (about 30 minutes out of the city) and came in through the affluent area housing river mansions, yachts and the Olympic village…then into the harbour under the harbour bridge and alongside the opera house. What a way to experience these iconic sights and we are all still shocked by the colour of the water – beautifully clear and blue! No trip to Sydney is complete without a day at Bondi beach. Sun, sea, sandwiches and POSERS! We had fun but boy were there a lot of people out on show! There was an amazing ‘Sculptures by the sea’ exhibition along the coastal path which we all enjoyed.
K-J and I took a day in the city to shop and go on the Sydney Opera House tour. We were wowed by the venues and design of the building. The use of different timbers both for visual and acoustics were impressive – we learnt tons!

So we have loved visiting Sydney and love the Doughtys and will be sad to say goodbye for now!

Love Hayley X

Monday 31 October 2011

Street football!

Some football action from one of the games I played with young people in the suburbs. The pitch was marked out by a road on one side and a railway track on the other. The game stopped every half hour for the train to pass!

My team lost in the end, the teams gathered for a drink and huddled to pray for a miracle. I wasn't sure who or how many were followers of Jesus in this group but that didn't seem to matter, everyone joined in. 


Sunday 30 October 2011

The trip to the Zoo

On Friday we went to the zoo with the Marchants and it was amazing !!
There was a big, furry polar bear there. We were all sad because it was a very hot day and it was not very nice for the polar bear because they shut him out of his room so he was in the sun and he was around running trying to get some shade and get into his room. It was still nice to see the polar bear.
There were also elephants and they were huge but looked like it needed a good wash down. I really liked the elephants because they had great big ears. There where lots of other animals but i could not write about all of them but you can look at the pictures .

 Love Asia xx 

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Happy Birthday Mackenzie and Marley

Happy Birthday Mackenzie and Marley
we all hope you have a nice day .

Lots of love Asia , Joel and Lilly xx

Monday 24 October 2011

Happy Birthday Steve!

Hi Steve (Whitehouse),

We are definatley missing your cakes :-( 
...especially on your birthday! We hope you had fun and plenty of cake.

Love The Roberts X
PS sorry we are a couple of days late!

Saturday 22 October 2011

Happy Birthday Aunty Emma!

Hi Emma,

We send you all our love on your birthday weekend!

Mark, Hayley, Kaela-J, Yasmin and Asia X

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Locked out!

On Monday (12th October) at 8.30am we all decided to start our week with a run. Disaster was lurking on this tranquil sunlit morning, the streets were quieter than usual as we trotted happily around the park. When we got back to the apartment, the usual discussions took place in the lift, who would shower first, how many Mediluna’s we could eat, and what the rest of the day had in store. As I took my keys to open the door a chilling fear permeated my warm, tired body, I had taken the wrong keys out, and we are locked out! The scenario suddenly unfolds before us, it seemed to be a public holiday (our usual places of help are closed), phone numbers for our friends are inside the flat, no money, one bottle of water between us , we are hungry, tired from a run and no language that can communicate our problem.

This mistake is not a surprise to those who know me well, I like to forget them, bury them, but they come flooding back at times like this and perhaps puts to boot the theory ‘you learn from your mistakes’, I seem to make the mistakes over again, albeit in differing circumstances. When I was 15 I ‘slept’ through a music lesson and when I got home from school realised I was supposed to be playing for the school football team, when I lived with Doug and Belinda Horley I forgot my keys and had to wake Belinda at 4am after trying to sleep in their shed for a couple of hours, and more recently I nearly wrote off Natalie Preece’s car by putting in the wrong fuel. You may have your own special memory!

So we are sitting outside the apartment discussing the ways of getting back in, trying to control our feelings of hopelessness. The first idea was to contact our friends Anibal and Claudia, who lived 10 blocks away. Kaela-J and I walk to theirs, with many scenarios playing through our minds with varying degrees of hope, can we remember where they live, what is the apartment number, and will they be in? Kaela-J was the only one who had visited them and I had only stopped outside a couple of times.

We decided on the block but faced two new hurdles, firstly I knew they were on the second floor, we didn’t know the apartment number. So I begun pressing each number in turn and asking, but again hampered by not understanding the response or recognising any voices. Secondly we had to get into the block so KJ could identify their apartment. One lady wouldn’t let us in, so next time I wouldn’t ask I would just walk past the person (barge if necessary), KJ wasn’t happy with my plan and worried that they would call the police, so we prayed and our hope grew when a kind person let us through without asking anything from us. So we got to their apartment and knocked many times (they usually get up late) but the only person who stirred was the porter for the block. He helpfully confirmed it was Anibal and Claudia’s place and we think he said they were out and he would tell them I called round (alternatively he could have said piss off it’s a bank holiday!), he also gave us Claudia number, and tried calling her with no response, and also let us out of the apartment block (which required a key) and so we left the apartment and headed back to Hayley, Yas and Asia carrying some hope that this saga wouldn’t last the day. When we arrived they seemed to have found some hope themselves despite the hunger and sitting outside our front door for an hour. I admired their patience and strength of character.

We clung to the idea that we could get in touch with our friends. Hayley went out with Yas and Asia who needed the toilet. Hayley had to find someone who spoke English and ask to use their phone and this was accomplished in Starbucks with use of toilets too. No response from Claudia. So hope waned once more, my solitary idea was to make the trip to their apartment every couple of hours and maybe they would return at some point. Asia accompanied me on the next trip, as we passed the last street I spotted their car and given they drive everywhere I had reason to be excited by this sign. We found my way into the apartment block again, knocked again, no answer again, so disturbed the porter for a second time and asked (using charades) for a pen and paper so I could put a ‘Message in the bottle’.

Walking back Asia still seemed full of optimism perhaps I had more to worry about. I said to Asia we will walk past the Education centre one more time (the only other place where we could get help) but like many places today – shut! This detour was perhaps the turning point of this day, as I walked back into our block I met the son of the porter in our block who I had met only a week before and he spoke a little English. I managed to explain the problem and he ushered us to their apartment on the top floor.

The porter was in bed but they said he would help for $50 peso, this seemed like a bargain (£8), he brought tools and our hope all most burst out of us as this coincidental meeting seemed to have brought us close to the end of our troubles. However there was one last trial as the porter struggled to unlock the door, we discovered from our neighbour (whom we had never met but heard the commotion outside) that he would not be able to get break this particular lock. The neighbour had our flat owners number and confirmed the only spare keys were with the cleaner lived 1 ½ hours away and would probably be out (public holiday) – she would usually have come to clean on Monday afternoon. Hope of getting back in was like sand in our hands, until a discussion began about the windows, the porter and neighbour asked if the windows were open. 

We are six floors up and so this had not occurred to me, but our kitchen window is flush with our neighbours and it is the only window we leave open (because of gas boiler) Before I could even consider the safety of climbing from one window to the other the porter had clambered through and within a few moments had opened our front door. Hope flooded back through my veins soothing the rawness of emotion from being thrown by the waves of despair and hope. It was 2.30pm, 5 hours later we sat deciding what to have ....breakfast or lunch! 

This event made me/us realise how comfortable we had become with our surroundings and yet how fragile our circumstances still are. I have learnt about hope and faith, maybe what some would call chance, good luck, fortune, or answered prayer. Which ever you prefer, my faith has grown. 


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Happy Birthday Natalie and Esther!

Tea for three...Happy birthday to two scrumptious friends..Esther for yesterday and Natalie for today. Miss you both so much. Hope this year brings you so much joy, joy, joy! Will raise a tea cup to you Hayley  x x

Saturday 8 October 2011

Happy Birthday Aunty Lisa!

Hi Lisa,

IPad?? What about the running shoes you will need to join the Roberts Running Club - ha ha!!

37 sleeps until we see you

Love Mark, Hay, KJ, Yas and Asia XX

Friday 7 October 2011

Happy Birthday Chris!

Hi Chris (Smitheram), We send you birthday greetings and our love from BA...Hope you are having fun!

Mark, Hay, KJ, Yas and Asia XX

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Montevideo, Uruguay

Hello it`s me Asia Lee! Last week we went to Montevideo in Uruguay and we stayed in a youth hostel called 'Unplugged', and it was sooo much fun. We all slept in bunk beds and played the story game (everyone takes turns to add one word).

The next day we went to the beach and I paddled in the sea, it was funny because the sea was warm not cold like Littlehampton .

Love Asia X

An afternoon in La Boca

Asia's turn to carry the ruck sack... she got just past the front door!

The houses in La Boca were built by Italian immigrants. They painted them with left over paint from the ships.

They also painted the horses!

Sunday 2 October 2011

One Month Of Travelling…..

So we have been away a month, we are now in unchartered territory, none of us have been away from home for longer than 4 weeks! Firstly we are all well and having a great time… most the time, there are moments of boredom and being together brings out the worst and best!  Our apartment is on the 6th floor in a block just off the main street heading into the down town. When we arrived Asia said she hated it and could we camp instead! It is decorated in a French style, over the top and is in need of some attention (a few jobs for Mum and Dad Roberts if they fancy a visit!) We have wrestled with the internet, had a leak in the bathroom and the fridge freezes anything you put in near the back. Apart from that we love it. It is clean, has hot shower and beds are comfortable and I love the stove.

Week two and three we got into a routine as the girls have to study.  In the mornings we join Buenos Aires in the ‘run around the park’ (a local hotspot of runners). This is followed by a traditional morning snack, ‘medialunas’ (like croissants but much nicer) with lovely Italian coffee and then to study.
The afternoons are spent wandering the city (we are only 15 minutes on the ‘Subte’ from the centre of Buenos Aires and it costs10p for a single journey), reading (Yas can’t put Deathly Hallows down) and doing practical jobs like food shopping, writing journals, using the internet.
Evenings are spent playing games; Uno (I am the reigning champion), scrabble (Asia is trying to beat everyone, she only has KJ to go), banana grams (thanks Steph), Dobble (thanks Helen), cards and brain training on the DS! These moments are also complimented by Ice cream. You can find many flavours of Ice cream on the street corners of the city so we have adopted a once a week ‘ice cream Wednesday’ (we have tried 7 flavours to date) There is also the Argentinean red wine, beer and steak which we have indulged in a few times. So far we had only had a few tastes of ‘dulce de leche’ but I think Mark will not be able to hold off much longer!

We have had some very precious family time (debates, discussions, laughs, craziness and entertaining each other) and I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Most of the people we know here in Buenos Aires are very busy in the middle of projects and final pushes of work till their summer holidays Dec-Jan. We have spent some time with Anibal & Claudia and their kids Valentine (14) and Timote (4). They have looked after us well helping in sort practical things and showing us some good places to visit, eat and enjoy. KJ has particularly enjoyed seeing Valentina and talking Glee, listening to her and her friends talk about Justin Bieber (who is here at the moment) and visiting Starbucks!

After three weeks of Buenos Aires ‘not good air’ we were ready for some time by the sea so off we went to Uruguay……. 

Love Hayley X

Friday 23 September 2011

Venturing out to the Downtown

Hayley spoke in confident Spanish enabling us to get the tickets for our first ride on the ‘Subte’ (underground train). The train itself was more like an underground tram. The old wooden train, we believe, is one of the last of its kind in the history of this train service. There was one other exciting feature about this train (if the latter didn't get you going), this train departs from the platform with doors open and people trying to clamber aboard!

Since arriving in Buenos Aires Hayley and I have been using a saying (probably as old as the tram) from the Grover ancestry – ‘Savour the moment’ – so we did, this day was our 17th Wedding anniversary. We recounted tales of the wedding day, our honeymoon and no regrets as we toasted the occasion, with our three beautiful girls, in a back street café. So I had the widest grin on my face, I also crossed the widest road in the world (an epic walk) and the next day I would sit at the edge widest river delta in the world.

On the return journey by the ‘underground tram’ we were entertained by a man who had strapped a laptop and speakers all to one arm whilst selling the pirated CD’s of 80’s music with his other – this one armed DJ gave us a 30 sec blast of ‘We will rock you’ tempting us into buying his mega mix. I had admiration for the ingenuity of his scheme, whilst hoping I would not have to resort to selling in this way to earn a living when I got back to the UK! (An extract from Mark’s travel writing.10/09/11)

Friday 9 September 2011

1 week past...

Friday 9th September 2011 – Buenos Aires (then time..)

Hola Amigos! Sorry for the delay of info, the telephone and Wi-Fi at our apartment doesn’t work so here’s a major catch up of everything!

Here we are in on our 8th day in Buenos Aires, safe and sound after a long flight and quite an emotional week of goodbyes. Not gonna lie it was probably one of the hardest but exciting weeks of my life! I manage just about to hold my tears in at the leaving party but at the airport I wasn’t so lucky! I sobbed for probably half an hour after we got through security! But I managed to pull myself together in the end (well until about 3am on the aeroplane when I lost it again!) The flight was fine, Asia was practically bouncing of the walls as we got on the plane (which if you know Asia you’ll understand what she’s like when she’s excited!) It didn’t last long ha ha! The food was pretty bad but that was to be expected.

We landed at about 7:30am on Friday 2nd September. We got picked up by one of our friends who took us to our apartment! It has 2 bedrooms both with double beds so Yas and I are sharing and Asia is on a mattress on the floor! It’s got a teeny bathroom, kitchen (which has no dishwasher and no bowls so we have to eat are breakfast out of soup mugs ha ha) and a lounge, it’s quite small but it’s got an awesome view to make up for it! Our apartment is also right by a busy street which has 2 Starbucks’s, a McDonalds, Burger King, 2 parks and lots of ice cream, clothes and food shops all in a 5-15 minute walk! The downside to our apartment is that the Wi-Fi doesn’t work and I have been itching to get on to Facebook haha! But apart from that it is perfect for us!

The past week has been pretty relaxed really. We spent the first few days catching up on sleep, reading and journal writing and getting to know the area! We have laughed a lot trying to communicate with our tiny bit of Spanish language – Mum is doing most of the talking (no change there then!). Dad managed to ask for 1Kg of Dulce de Leche ice cream in the ice cream shop. He was very proud of his Spanish but all he can do so far is order ice cream! On Tuesday I got my GCSE books out and made a sort of plan for this year, we are starting to get into a routine of our own even though it feels like we’re on holiday! Study in the mornings, snack lunch, afternoon out exploring, food shopping, home for siesta & ‘merienda’ followed by reading, playing, chilling and eating our dinner around 8pm.

So far we have not been out in the evenings but we are planning to be out a lot this weekend so evening meals will be late! I still don’t believe we’re actually here, it just doesn’t seem real at all even though we’ve been here a week! I have my moments of wanting to go home but I guess I will have that all year! The weather is so nice, it’s nicer than summer in England even though it’s their end of winter beginning of spring!
I have learnt and seen so many things already that have opened my eyes to a whole new perspective on the world and this is only the beginning.

Random Facts about Buenos Aires:

1 The taxi’s are black on the bottom half and yellow on the top
2 The local supermarket is called ‘Discos’
3 Buenos Aires is 4 hours behind the UK (so the jet lag wasn’t too bad)
4 My mum and I went without proper coffee for 4 days!!!! (that has defiantly  been the     most challenging thing of all so far ha ha!)
5 if you go to a park I can guarantee you there will be at least 5 couples sitting on benches or on the floor snogging for long periods time! You get used to it eventually….this is Latin America!

That’s all from me for now! I’m not sure when the next blog will be up but hopefully it  will be soon! I hope everyone’s ok and I miss you all lots and lots!

Much Love

Kaela-J xxx

Sunday 28 August 2011

1 week to go...

it is asia this week and i am sososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo excited about traveling.... i am most looking forward to the aeroplane because of i was a baby when i last went on one xx

Monday 22 August 2011

2 weeks to go

this week its yas!!!! well i cant beleve it's only 11 days till i get on the airoplane and leave for a year i cant get it in to my head still the only thing i'm not looking forward to is the airoplane i'm not a fane but i'm shore i'll be fine because jesuses angels will protected me. we did are practice pack this week my bag whaes a tun but we maneged to fite what we needed in. today i'm having my leaving sleepover with my frenids but asia is to having her sleepover at the same time at the same please haaaa it will be hactice but it will be soooo much fun to!!!!! i hope i don't criey thow that would be bad!!! i have no idere how i'm going to coupe with out pesto paster and garllic bread for a year they are one of my faverat foods but i think i will some how coup hehehe xxx

Wednesday 10 August 2011

3 Weeks to go......

21 days until we fly to Buenos Aires....I can't acutally believe how quickly the time is going! I can't wait to get on the aeroplane. I am a little bit nervous of what next year will bring and bracing myself for the goodbyes that lie ahead but overall I am really excited. I feel like this is the right time for me to go and have an adventure, to have a proper good sort out of my head and figure out what the future 'might' hold for me. I am going to miss my friends more than anyone could imagine, they keep me going and they make me laugh, which is the bit I will miss the most! Much love for the people who created Facebook and Skype because it means i can keep in touch with them!

I hope everyone's having a good week! And yes, my mother and I are still making lists...guess it runs in the family hahaha :D

Kaela-J xx

Sunday 7 August 2011

4 weeks to go.....


This week marks the last youth club session that I will do at the Edge Youth Centre after 15 eventful years.... endings and beginnings merge into kaleidoscope of memory and emotion... for every young person who has kicked a door or broken a window another (or the same) young person realises their potential, young people becoming producers, song writers, cooks, coaches, dancers, others who have graduated to become plumbers, builders, owners of business, mums, dads, roofers and teachers....I have seen others incarcerated and others take their own lives.. all had this potential but could only see darkness in front of them.... it is written in history... its part of my history. I may never know the difference I have made, but I always tried every time I opened the door at The Edge to treat the person walking through it with dinity and respect... as I leave the path that I have been walking and the young people who I have had the priviledge of working for.... I set off on different paths with my family....maybe the paths will cross again in the future but this cannot be forseen...