Sunday 2 October 2011

One Month Of Travelling…..

So we have been away a month, we are now in unchartered territory, none of us have been away from home for longer than 4 weeks! Firstly we are all well and having a great time… most the time, there are moments of boredom and being together brings out the worst and best!  Our apartment is on the 6th floor in a block just off the main street heading into the down town. When we arrived Asia said she hated it and could we camp instead! It is decorated in a French style, over the top and is in need of some attention (a few jobs for Mum and Dad Roberts if they fancy a visit!) We have wrestled with the internet, had a leak in the bathroom and the fridge freezes anything you put in near the back. Apart from that we love it. It is clean, has hot shower and beds are comfortable and I love the stove.

Week two and three we got into a routine as the girls have to study.  In the mornings we join Buenos Aires in the ‘run around the park’ (a local hotspot of runners). This is followed by a traditional morning snack, ‘medialunas’ (like croissants but much nicer) with lovely Italian coffee and then to study.
The afternoons are spent wandering the city (we are only 15 minutes on the ‘Subte’ from the centre of Buenos Aires and it costs10p for a single journey), reading (Yas can’t put Deathly Hallows down) and doing practical jobs like food shopping, writing journals, using the internet.
Evenings are spent playing games; Uno (I am the reigning champion), scrabble (Asia is trying to beat everyone, she only has KJ to go), banana grams (thanks Steph), Dobble (thanks Helen), cards and brain training on the DS! These moments are also complimented by Ice cream. You can find many flavours of Ice cream on the street corners of the city so we have adopted a once a week ‘ice cream Wednesday’ (we have tried 7 flavours to date) There is also the Argentinean red wine, beer and steak which we have indulged in a few times. So far we had only had a few tastes of ‘dulce de leche’ but I think Mark will not be able to hold off much longer!

We have had some very precious family time (debates, discussions, laughs, craziness and entertaining each other) and I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Most of the people we know here in Buenos Aires are very busy in the middle of projects and final pushes of work till their summer holidays Dec-Jan. We have spent some time with Anibal & Claudia and their kids Valentine (14) and Timote (4). They have looked after us well helping in sort practical things and showing us some good places to visit, eat and enjoy. KJ has particularly enjoyed seeing Valentina and talking Glee, listening to her and her friends talk about Justin Bieber (who is here at the moment) and visiting Starbucks!

After three weeks of Buenos Aires ‘not good air’ we were ready for some time by the sea so off we went to Uruguay……. 

Love Hayley X

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