Sunday 7 August 2011

4 weeks to go.....


This week marks the last youth club session that I will do at the Edge Youth Centre after 15 eventful years.... endings and beginnings merge into kaleidoscope of memory and emotion... for every young person who has kicked a door or broken a window another (or the same) young person realises their potential, young people becoming producers, song writers, cooks, coaches, dancers, others who have graduated to become plumbers, builders, owners of business, mums, dads, roofers and teachers....I have seen others incarcerated and others take their own lives.. all had this potential but could only see darkness in front of them.... it is written in history... its part of my history. I may never know the difference I have made, but I always tried every time I opened the door at The Edge to treat the person walking through it with dinity and respect... as I leave the path that I have been walking and the young people who I have had the priviledge of working for.... I set off on different paths with my family....maybe the paths will cross again in the future but this cannot be forseen...

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