Saturday 30 July 2011

5 weeks to go........

Well now we are really into the final stages of planning, checking off the many lists and hoping we have done enough prep!! All  three girls had their BCG's which was a teeny bit stressful but done... took me back to the school line up outside the nurses room! More jabs to come in the following few weeks. Mark has been very busy with work - summer activities and trips. We had an amazing day out in London with Aunties Lisa & S-J, Miley, Lauren, Ethan, Asia & Yasmin. We took the BIG bus & boat tour which i can thoroughly recommend as a relaxing and fun way to see alot of London - we all learnt tons and particularly enjoyed the boat to Grenwich.

So after Lisa and children leave on Tuesday we will be getting round as many people as we can to see them before we go off on our adventure. The girls have many sleepover and summer hang out plans (on lists of course!) so now mummy admin has to figure them all out into the diary!

Adios mi amigos..hasta luego...Hayley x x

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