Thursday 7 July 2011

8 Weeks To Go..........

Hey people! It's my turn to write the blog this week so I thought I would kick off by letting you know whats happened so far....
Things that have happend or are happening this week.....
- We got our cotton sleeping bags in the post!! (Last Friday)
- Asia had her last night at Brownies (Last Friday)
- A date is set for my braces to come off!!(On the 24th August!!)
- The Nice's have finally arrived in the UK!!(Yesterday)
- Grandpa's 70th Birthday Party (Saturday)
- The Roberts Girls last Ark and YP's Meal (Sunday)
- Mum and Dad go and visit the nurse and have their jabs (Monday)

So we're quickly approaching the 1st September, it's crazy how fast the weeks are going by. We had a little trip to the airport yesterday to pick up the Aussie's and it got us a little bit excited about flying! My mum is still making lists (haha!) and we've starting gathering bits we need to take with us, so it's a bit manic at the moment!
I'm starting to get excited now! I must admit it still hasn't quite sunk in yet but i don't think it will till we're on the plane at least!
I am looking forward to spending time with my family, with God and with the people we meet on this amazing adventure because this is a once in a life time exprience that I will remember forever.

Kaela-J xx

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