Tuesday 12 June 2012

So we are half way through our time at NHCC it's going ok, i've met lots of  nice people and played 'Risk' for the first time, i've also done a lot of reading.

What I do in the week days: I get up slowly at 5:00am have a bucket wash and eat breakfust (fruit, breakfust bars) then i take on the job of cloths washing by hand, lets just say it's very diffrent to a washing machine! Then me and dad head over to nursery at around 7:00am, nusery goes on for three hours but we only stay for an hour and a half and we come back dripping with sweat. After a small break I do some math's and spelling with mum while she's teaching K-J. By the time i've finished studying the boring stuff its lunch time... we have lunch at 11:00am. It get's very hot about 12noon so I read, colour and rest by that time all the kids have come back from morning school had lunch and a nap.

 When it's cooled down a bit mum and K-J go off to teach English, Asia goes to pre-school and me and dad do either egg collecting or we go for a walk and I do some stretching so when I go back to gym I won't be extremly behind  (if im not in the mood for either I just hangout!). When mum and K-J and Asia come back we head over to dinner... mmmmm rice! As soon as we have finished are dinner we go and play with the kids out in the play ground. Finally, we bucket wash and play a round of uno before the electrisity goes off at 8:30pm, we are usually in bed by 8 so its alright.

Its been an amazing experiance but i can definatly feel i'm ready to come home soon. hope you like my blog . YAZ XX

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yaz
    Jeremy will be very please you can play risk now !! Did you like it? Can be a bit slow sometimes can't it ... We played upwords the other day which is great like scrabble but more fun stacking on top of each other and sometimes using 3 letter word you get the most points !
    Sounds like you have a structured day with good and bad bits. Not long now. Keep going , I pray you will see what God sees in the people you meet and see his heart for those in need.
    I have now set up my own shop woo hoo.. and sold a piece from it, also had my first fashion catwlk with my jewellery shown on it. V exciting . I hope more contacts will come from it , we'll see.
    Any love to you all Emma. Good writing by the way :)
