Wednesday 20 June 2012


The other day I was getting ready to do the washing. I got the two big washing bowls out one for washing and one for rinsing. I tipped the washing powder into one bowl and while I was filling up both bowls with water something crawled out from underneath my foot. I had no shoes on just my bare feet and I said to one of the volunteers who was doing her washing next to me “look what just crawled out from underneath my foot do you now what it is?” She didn’t now what it was and I didn’t ether. 

So I went to get mum and when she saw it she was so surprised I didn’t get stung because it was a SCORPION!!! Then dad tried to move it and its tail curled up to protect it’s self.

Later on that day mum showed the picture to a friend who works in NHCC and she said “how on earth did she not get stung? They are biggest scorpions we get in Cambodia!” 

Mum also found out that if you get stung you can go into shock or scream the place down. This happened the day after I had been worrying about the devil getting inside me and never making my worries go away. Mum said we should look scorpions up in the bible because she had heard something about them being a spiritual symbol… this is what we found:

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. (Luke, chapter 10, verse 19)

So I don’t need to be afraid!

Love Yaz XX

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