Saturday 5 May 2012

Our night safari adventure

Whoa… so I realised the other day that the last blog I wrote was the very first one in Argentina but I reckon my dad has made up for that with his funny stories that make me cry with laughter every time! Anyway here we are 8 months later on are adventure to South East Asia!

Last night we went to the Singapore Night Safari. It is the only zoo in the world that has been designed for night time so you can see some of those creatures you don’t see in the day at a daytime zoo.

We started our night time adventure by getting the MRT (Mass Rapid Transport or the train) and the 138 bus to Singapore Zoo (which is right next to the Night Safari).
When we got off the bus we walked to the entrance and took a few photo’s, saw two men dressed up in giraffe suits that looked like something out of The Lion King musical, watched the fountains, watched Yas being jumped by the fountains (hee hee), all before heading into a massive queue that looked like the M25 after an accident (obviously with people instead of cars!). The first thing we did was the Forest Giant Trail, we sat down and ate tea and got freaked out by the bat that kept appearing but got our first experience of trekking through the rainforest! We then went to the next trail called the East Lodge Trail. On this trail we saw a Malayan tiger that was sleeping, a gigantic hippopotamus standing up having a wander and a spotted hyenas crouched down looking for food (which was so cool!!!!). The third trail was called the Leopard Trail. As we walked through this trail we saw baby otters make a cute screechy noise like they were hungry, a clouded leopard hanging out in a tree, we saw a lion eating a huge piece of meat while the lionesses waited to be fed and a spotted mousedeer that really did look like a mouse and a deer. The 4th and final trail was called the Fishing Cat Trail this time we saw striped hyena’s, a Indian gharial (crocodile look a like), scary looking pelicans with huge beak and a fishing cat which funnily enough is… a cat…. that likes fishing! After all the walking we went to queue for the Creatures of the Night Show…. but unfortunately the 9:30pm one was cancelled due to thunder and lightening so we jumped on a tram that was covered in a tiger pattern and saw some absolutely amazing creatures... We saw bright pink flamingos standing on one leg to preserve their energy, 4 giraffes lying down, zebra’s and oryx (goat like things) all in one massive enclosure. We also saw 5 huge Asian elephants really close up which was amazing, and lots of different types of deer! (These are all the animals that stood out for me... there were many more!)

After the 40 minute tram ride with a commentator with a funny twang to her English, we headed to the 10:30pm Creatures of the Night Show…

This was one of the almost Disney but amazing zoo shows I have ever seen! There was a binturong that walk on a tight rope across the audience, otters that picked up litter and put in the recycling bins and a gigantic snake that was sitting under some peoples bench (and they didn’t even realise!!) and many more!! I’m not lying… it was incredible!!

Once it was finished we ran to catch the bus and headed back to our hostel. By the time we walked back from the bus stop, went through the shower and tucked up in bed it was 00:27 according to my iPod! We were all asleep within in the 10 minutes!

One of the best experiences I have ever had and one I will never forget!

Love Kaela-J Xx

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