Tuesday 20 March 2012

Our famous five adventure goes on...

Do i like camping... yes, do i like camping in 44 degrees... hmmmm???

A few mouths earlier:
"Mum can we what till it's cooled down a bit before we go camping, because other wise we will be boilng". said Yas.
"Yer, it should start too cool down in March so well probably go then". said hayley.

10 of March on are camping trip... sitting by the pool in 44 degrees... well that didnt go too plan. half way through are camping trip sombody told us that this is the hottest it has been in Kalbarri in March.

so yer...  it was hot but we still survived and had an amazing time!

we kayaked, we swam (in sea & pool), read,  jumped off the jetty, fed dolphins, sleeped out in the stars... sooo amazing, read,  went on long long long jorneys, had fish and chips at... SHARK BAY, read,  met people from all around the world on amazing adverntures of there own, read, played Uno (very inportant), killed a couple of moths and flys,got very hot and had lots and lots of fun.

The highlight of the trip for me was proberly feeding the dolphins at Monkey Mia it was so wonderfull but the hole trip was so much fun and an amzing expereance. Thank you mum and dad for taking us... it was awsome xx
                                                         hope you enjoyed reading. by yaz xx.

1 comment:

  1. Loving those photos of you Yaz . sounds sooo amazing :)We have just been in our shorts and T's here with a paddling pool out and kids in dresses so great weather here too .
