Wednesday 28 March 2012

My first try-athlon

Hi guys,

On Sunday 25th March I did a try-athlon for kids! First up were the 15 year olds, then 14 to 13 year olds, then the 12 to11, then the 7 to 8 yer olds.... Me and my cousin Mia were last, we where in the 9 to 10 year olds!

We lined up ....then the man called us up and we got in the water and it was freezing! The horn went we dived in and swam then we ran to the transiton and put our tops and our shorts on.... and our trainers and helmet .....and cycled really fast.

We got back to the transitoin and took our helmets off... put are hats on and started jogging.  At the end we did the biggest sprint ever past the finish line and collected are certificates and medals.

It was so much fun but the best thing was the running and the swimming.

Love asiaxx

* TRY- Athlon is a non-competitive tri-athlon Asia completed a 75 metre swim, 3km cycle and a 500 metre run. It is a world record breaking event for the most amount of under 16yr olds doing tri-athlon in one go (2400 kids)

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