Sunday 28 August 2011

1 week to go...

it is asia this week and i am sososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo excited about traveling.... i am most looking forward to the aeroplane because of i was a baby when i last went on one xx

Monday 22 August 2011

2 weeks to go

this week its yas!!!! well i cant beleve it's only 11 days till i get on the airoplane and leave for a year i cant get it in to my head still the only thing i'm not looking forward to is the airoplane i'm not a fane but i'm shore i'll be fine because jesuses angels will protected me. we did are practice pack this week my bag whaes a tun but we maneged to fite what we needed in. today i'm having my leaving sleepover with my frenids but asia is to having her sleepover at the same time at the same please haaaa it will be hactice but it will be soooo much fun to!!!!! i hope i don't criey thow that would be bad!!! i have no idere how i'm going to coupe with out pesto paster and garllic bread for a year they are one of my faverat foods but i think i will some how coup hehehe xxx

Wednesday 10 August 2011

3 Weeks to go......

21 days until we fly to Buenos Aires....I can't acutally believe how quickly the time is going! I can't wait to get on the aeroplane. I am a little bit nervous of what next year will bring and bracing myself for the goodbyes that lie ahead but overall I am really excited. I feel like this is the right time for me to go and have an adventure, to have a proper good sort out of my head and figure out what the future 'might' hold for me. I am going to miss my friends more than anyone could imagine, they keep me going and they make me laugh, which is the bit I will miss the most! Much love for the people who created Facebook and Skype because it means i can keep in touch with them!

I hope everyone's having a good week! And yes, my mother and I are still making lists...guess it runs in the family hahaha :D

Kaela-J xx

Sunday 7 August 2011

4 weeks to go.....


This week marks the last youth club session that I will do at the Edge Youth Centre after 15 eventful years.... endings and beginnings merge into kaleidoscope of memory and emotion... for every young person who has kicked a door or broken a window another (or the same) young person realises their potential, young people becoming producers, song writers, cooks, coaches, dancers, others who have graduated to become plumbers, builders, owners of business, mums, dads, roofers and teachers....I have seen others incarcerated and others take their own lives.. all had this potential but could only see darkness in front of them.... it is written in history... its part of my history. I may never know the difference I have made, but I always tried every time I opened the door at The Edge to treat the person walking through it with dinity and respect... as I leave the path that I have been walking and the young people who I have had the priviledge of working for.... I set off on different paths with my family....maybe the paths will cross again in the future but this cannot be forseen...