Saturday 30 July 2011

5 weeks to go........

Well now we are really into the final stages of planning, checking off the many lists and hoping we have done enough prep!! All  three girls had their BCG's which was a teeny bit stressful but done... took me back to the school line up outside the nurses room! More jabs to come in the following few weeks. Mark has been very busy with work - summer activities and trips. We had an amazing day out in London with Aunties Lisa & S-J, Miley, Lauren, Ethan, Asia & Yasmin. We took the BIG bus & boat tour which i can thoroughly recommend as a relaxing and fun way to see alot of London - we all learnt tons and particularly enjoyed the boat to Grenwich.

So after Lisa and children leave on Tuesday we will be getting round as many people as we can to see them before we go off on our adventure. The girls have many sleepover and summer hang out plans (on lists of course!) so now mummy admin has to figure them all out into the diary!

Adios mi amigos..hasta luego...Hayley x x

Sunday 24 July 2011

6 weeks to go....

Hi its Asia this week... can't wait to go!! Last week I went to Halls Green (activity centre in Kent) with my family, I went wall climbing and swimming which was really fun!! I shared a room with my cousins, Lauren and Mia and my sister Yasmin. Thats all for now... love Asia XX

Saturday 16 July 2011

7 weeks to go.....

hey it's yaz this week! this week i have been throwing up boo so i havent done much this week siting on the sofer waching films that was quite nice but because i was ill i havent down eney handstands or backwards walkovers or headstans in one hole week it feels roung but i will be cartweeling every were next week!!!! wow 7 weeks unbelverbul i ceep thinking about it but it still dosent seem realle but i bet it will when we actily leave. what i am looking forwerd to most is swimming with dolphins hehe love dolphins <3 i am going to miss every one so much!!! the only thing i'm not looking forward to is the airaplane food i feel sick just thinking about it! but i will hopefully enjoy every thing els!!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya

Thursday 7 July 2011

8 Weeks To Go..........

Hey people! It's my turn to write the blog this week so I thought I would kick off by letting you know whats happened so far....
Things that have happend or are happening this week.....
- We got our cotton sleeping bags in the post!! (Last Friday)
- Asia had her last night at Brownies (Last Friday)
- A date is set for my braces to come off!!(On the 24th August!!)
- The Nice's have finally arrived in the UK!!(Yesterday)
- Grandpa's 70th Birthday Party (Saturday)
- The Roberts Girls last Ark and YP's Meal (Sunday)
- Mum and Dad go and visit the nurse and have their jabs (Monday)

So we're quickly approaching the 1st September, it's crazy how fast the weeks are going by. We had a little trip to the airport yesterday to pick up the Aussie's and it got us a little bit excited about flying! My mum is still making lists (haha!) and we've starting gathering bits we need to take with us, so it's a bit manic at the moment!
I'm starting to get excited now! I must admit it still hasn't quite sunk in yet but i don't think it will till we're on the plane at least!
I am looking forward to spending time with my family, with God and with the people we meet on this amazing adventure because this is a once in a life time exprience that I will remember forever.

Kaela-J xx

Friday 1 July 2011

9 weeks to go...

9 weeks until I fly to South America
36 days before the mighty West Ham play Cardiff in the opening game of their 'bounce back' season!
30 days until my Dad reaches his 70th
19 days until I am 39
115 hrs until my big sis arrives from Auz
30hrs until I am camping out in Petworth

Now it's pretty urgent, so I won't beat around the proverbial privet. Frankly I'm too busy a man to be cluck-clucking like a decapitated feathered fowl, so I'll get straight to the point. (Inspector Grim - The Thin Blue Line)

Lots to look forward too but want to make a difference today to someone or something.
