Wednesday 28 December 2011

One hot Christmas!

We kept up our Christmas eve tradition by taking a sunset walk along Whitfords Beach, it was around 2km long but felt like more 4km as sand is like walking in mud! Spectacular scenery and a stunning sunset which we marked by singing a girl guide sunset song 'Day is done' and 'Santa Claus is coming to town'. After our walk we stopped at Lisa's friends Sharon and Paul to toast Christmas on the front lawn and look at their amazing house decorations, their street reminded us of a street out of the soap 'Neighbours'. Next we all came home, pj's on and snuggled up to watch Star Wars - A New Hope. This was Asia, Lauren, Mia and Ethans debut watch and all thoroughly enjoyed...smaller ones falling asleep halfway through!

Christmas morning was full of the usual excitement to see what Santa had brought. Mark was very happy with a ticket to the cricket test match Aus v India (thanks Martin) and Hayley and the girls got tickets to see Mary Poppins the stage show in Perth (thanks Nanny & Grandad). So the rest of the day was swimming in the pool, drinking black velvets, eating, sun bathing, eating, building a trampoline, eating, watching Harry Potter 7 pt 2.

Boxing day we were joined by friends and family for much of the same... plus lots of water fights and games and much laughter...
We hope you all had a fun filled christmas... love the Roberts x x x

Monday 26 December 2011

Youth work and Islam

When I was at the YMCA George Williams College I worked with some friends on a study into how Islam can inform youth work practice, this has subsequently been published in a book called 'Youth Work and Isalm - a leap of faith for young people'. This book will be useful and hopefully enlightening for anyone working with and for young people. Please find the link below, you can also buy the book on Amazon.


Friday 23 December 2011


We've just been on holiday for two weeks camping around WA which has been an amazing experence. The last camp site we went to we were 51 steps from the beach! We swam in the sea, saw sting rays and fish... so cool. One day me, Lauren and Dad were swimming in the sea having lots of fun, and suddenly i saw a fin just by the bouy we were nere! Then i saw it again.... then there where 2! I shouted to dad "DOLPHINS DOLPHIN DOLPHINS" i was so amazed.  The 2 dophins were a mummy and a baby! It was sooooo exiting. I have never seen a dolphin for real in my life! Its been my dream since i was tiny!!!! it was like we were swimming with them. We ran up the beach, well in other words sprinted up the beach following them for as long as we could then  they went back out to sea. I still could not beleve i saw dolphins, it was awsome, proberly the best day camping. It just proves dreams do come true!!!!!! bye for now yassie xxx

Friday 2 December 2011

Road trip...

2nd - 20th December 2011

We will be heading off into Western Australia on a camping trip.... destinations for the 'google earth' club:

Lake Grace

There will probably be no internet for this time so look out for some photos at Christmas!

Love The Roberts X