Tuesday 31 January 2012

A chance meeting...

I was tip toeing up a steep hill, which felt like walking on hot coals as the sun beat down on the tarmac surface, to the ‘Speed slide’ at Adventure World. A young boy about 10 years old walked past me and casually asked if I was going on the slide (a water slide that hurls you down at 41mph) and I told him less casually that I was and that this was my first time. His response was ‘I have been down this 10 times before’. Behind him followed his two sisters or girls he was responsible for, they must have been 6 and 8 years respectively. They went ahead of me and I watched as he organised the girls to go down the slide after him. It appeared that the youngest girl couldn’t swim as he said he would grab her out the water at the end of their slide! The boy then spoke with the others in the queue and organised who was going to accompany him down, because two slides ran parallel to each other. I watched him go and then afterwards he waited, watching the two girls throw themselves down and picking the youngest out of the water, just as he had said. This brief encounter with Aboriginal people reminded me of my Gypsy friends, their resourcefulness and courage to use what is around them for their benefit and the benefit of others. A chance meeting that I had been waiting for with the indigenous people of this land (I had been surprised that I had not spoken to one Aboriginal person in over two months) and one that I will remember.

It made me think that chance meetings can have a life changing effect and chance experiences can define a journey, they are random yet for me they have the feeling of being orchestrated. Something occurs that never crossed the mind previously or like a dream / desire that begins to form a reality, in the novel ‘The Power of One’ the author states:

Sometimes the slightest things change the direction of our lives, the merest breath of a circumstance, a random moment that connects like a meteorite striking the earth. Lives have swirled and changed direction on the strength of a chance remark (Bryce Courtenay, 1989)


Saturday 28 January 2012


Here is what we have been up to in January…

New Years Eve was celebrated at Amanda & David's house. The men played pool and drank beer, the women chatted and drank bubbles and the young kids played in the pool, trampoline and games in and around the house, the teens hung in and around the pool... We all were treated to scrumptious food thanks to Amanda/David and friends. We toasted in the New Year with David’s home made music and Big Ben chimed count down, sparklers and hugs. Thanks to all of Lisa & Martins friends for once again including us in their world. We had a fab evening.

New Year Day... saw the arrival of the Baileys. We were all so glad to see them and our household moved from 10 to 14 people! Thankfully Lisa and Martins house has plenty of space for all to play, chill, eat, be together or take some time out. We have made some special memories during this month hanging out in the pool, trips to the sun drenched beaches, kayaking on Moore River, days out to parks, many family meals, bbqs and games. 
Miley and Asher have changed so much just in the little time we have been away and we are continually amazed at their love for people, their brilliant communication and their gift at making you laugh. One special moment for me was one morning at Sorrento beach Miley and I went to catch some waves. We had such fun jumping and splashing. The water was warm and the sun was shining. Miley was so happy and confident in her floaty vest that we decided to swim out a little. I was so aware of sea safety and her being so little that I held on to her the whole time but she was so confident that she kept brushing me off as if to say 'I can do this aunty… It is not cool to have you hanging on to me!'

We chatted and laughed while swimming about, swallowed a few waves but managed to recover. We took the body board sideways and swam along the shore line, it truly was a wonderful moment and I will treasure it. We celebrated Asher’s 1st birthday and Miley’s 3rd with cakes, balloons, and presents and for Miley's a day out the Caversham Wildlife Park. Here we got up close to a Koala, fed kangaroos, sat with a wombat, strokes a possum and saw many birds.

We Roberts have had a few moments out with a trip to Fremantle, surfing/body boarding at Trigg beach. Hayley and I took our drinks and sat at Sorrento beach one evening chatting and praying over our new year… what a year this is going to be!

Love Hayley X

Thursday 26 January 2012

Happy Birthday Peter!

We hope you have a fantastic day... we all miss you and the family and I am sure we will be able to celebrate both birthdays when we return. Yasmin is 25 years younger than you.... if you hadn't worked that out already (haha!)

Love The Roberts XX


Yasmin had her birthday breakfast on the beach, the first time in her life that it has been hot and sunny, she said that this was her best birthday ever!

When Yasmin is asked about 'being a teenager' she likes to make the point that 'you don't have to be a teenager if you don't want to be', Yasmin is always sure that she will do these things in her own way and her own time.... we love this about her.

So raise your glasses to Yasmin on this special day and for being the beautiful young women she is. Love Mum and Dad XX