Thursday 23 June 2011

Ten weeks to go...

So here we are settled into the 'Ransom' family home getting ready for our adventure. So many people have asked for details of our itinery so here as a way of introduction to our blog is the journey we will be taking:

1st September Leave the UK!!
Sept / Oct 2011   Beunos Aires, Argentina
Nov 2011 Sydney, Australia - then taking a 3 day train to Perth
Dec 2011 Road trip south of Perth with 'Nice' family (Mark's sister Lisa), followed by Christmas at their house
Jan 2012 'Bailey' family (Mark's sister Sara-Jane) join us in Perth
Feb - Apr 2012  Hangout & study & road trip north of Perth
May 2012  Cambodia, Thailand
June 2012  Singapore and India
July 2012 Palma, Majorca
Aug 2012  Return to the UK!!

So this is our rough plan but we are very open to the adventure taking a different path!